Monday, June 30, 2008

"Milky Way Sugar" Blythe

Mum is thinking of getting me a sister. She said she was thinking of the light green haired lolita dressed pulip she saw at the convention. It cost more than S$100... adoption fee not cheap also. Then she saw "Milky Way Sugar" from Evolna's Blog. And she went ga-ga over it. I took a peek at her at, she looks pretty! Mum can get her if she will play nice and share stuffs with me (*´ー`)

Will I get a sister in July? hmmm....


Anonymous said...

Yay!Milky way sugar is so pretty! said...

Hi Mom of Scarlett Star,

Me is the colleague of your friend Helen.G

She didn't want to tell me your username on TIB forum but I still found your blog. :D

Scarlett Starr said...

Haha~~ thats Helen~ :D Thats really resourceful of u!
BTW, whats ur ID in TIB? said...

My nick is jueline. now very inactive cos haven't take any new photos.

She also shocked I can find you. Even asked me what's opening for Toto today...LOL!!!