Today mum also decided to give me and Brianna sleepy eyes. To those who dunno what is sleepy eyes. We Blythes came with eyes wide open. We will not close our eyes while lying down. The only time our eyes will close is when our pull ring is pulled to change eye color. So most Blythe Mums will give us the sleepy eyes cuz it looks better and we can sleep with our eyes closed. :D And mum made our sleepy eyes with hook clasp so we can change our charms whenever we want!
Anyway, mum said she had a freaky experience with us. Mum changed me 1st, she tried using a thin crochet needle as suggested on TIB forum but it doesnt hook on to the spring! Mum had no safety pin also... so she took her blackhead remover stick that comes with pointy needle to pull my spring. So now i got a strawberry charm for my sleepy eye. Mum also did sleepy eye for Brianna. She wanted to open up her head so she unhook the spring. She tried to open the head but it was really tight. Mum got scared and decided to give up but the spring was loose inside the head! So she tried the pull the spring back using the crochet needle... luckily, she manage to grab the spring back and succeeded in making sleepy eye. So now Brianna have sleepy eyes too~~ Her charm is a cherry.
Oh, my sleepy eye string is shorter... cuz mum wanted it short... but it seems bit too short...

Sleepy eyes! How brave of you to try it! They look adorable!
Thanks! It was scary.. glad i finally had the guts to do it. :D
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