Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Recession? What recession?

Mum have not been blogging on me for awhile... imagine i had to pester her to blog! Duh...
Alright, she has been busy with her other hobbies and stuffs... but its no excuse to neglect me and my sisters! >< She and Daddy shared and bought a new camera! A DSLR somemore! Poor mummy said she is now hundreds poorer... And they talk about recession?! I can imagine the number of sisters she can get for me with that price! OK, maybe not the most expensive ones.... But i must admit, it took a pretty good picture of us! Ok, i shall not complain then. Oh, mummy bought another tiny sister for us... Cocoa Butter is her name i heard, she is kinda cute. Mum said she got her cuz of the cow costume.... she said it wil make a match with my cow costume!! Haha, i thought that was cute :D

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